Pastor Chad asked the question this Sunday, “How do you normally respond to unexpected things?” It’s funny because a question like this came up in my morning devotional a few days ago. This is a question I have been having to ask myself quite a bit lately. I respond to big unexpected things fairly well because I know God is faithful and always provides for us. It’s the little things that tend to throw me. If I have to do something unexpected, I don’t like it. I usually have a plan in my head for my day, and anything that someone asks me to do outside of that plan can make me grumpy. It certainly sounds silly and selfish when I say it out loud. So, I have to ask myself why I’m getting out of sorts.
The devotional I am reading right now is Bob Goff’s Live in Grace, Walk in Love, and he talks about having piñatas for his kids when they were younger. Sometimes for birthdays and sometimes just for fun. Then he says, “Give away love like you’re made of it. Let it fill you up like candy in a piñata, so when you take a hit, it’s what will pour out of you.” I love that picture. When you’re hit by something you weren’t expecting, what are the first things that pour out of you? Why do you think that is? Finding that answer may take some time and soul searching, but it is worth it.
When we are asked to do something outside of our plan or even comfort zone, we need to look at it as an opportunity to serve Christ. As Pastor Chad often says, “Take the people out of the equation.” Take your own feelings out of the equation also. What is God calling you to do for Him? While it may involve other people, we do everything for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) This does not mean that you have to or should say yes to everything people ask of you. You have to know what your boundaries are. It is important that you have your priorities straight before you can give your time away, so you know when it is important to say no or “not this time.”
Sometimes we feel we have already put in enough hours, and we’re done. I would challenge all of us to realize we are still on this earth for a reason. If God has not called us home, it is because He still has work for us to be doing. When we feel we do not have the strength to do what He is asking of us, we have to remember 1 Peter 4:11 and Philippians 4:12-13. God provides strength for us when He wants us to move. We must spend time in prayer and ask if it is something He actually wants us to do. If it continues to weigh on our hearts, we need to trust Him in the “how.” That’s hard though, isn’t it? It takes time to learn how to completely trust God. Sometimes our entire lives. But we cannot give up, and we have to try harder every day.
Can we get to a point in our lives where we are ready and willing to do whatever God wants us to do whenever He wants us to do it? I sure hope so because that’s my goal. I don’t really have trouble with the big things He asks of me. We moved from California to Upper Michigan because we felt God wanted us to be here. So, it sure seems silly that I get bogged down on the little things. That is what I’m working on. Daily. How about you?
Thank you for your thoughts today. Your words are so true. Sometimes I get 'up tight' when my plans need to be changed....but further thinking reveals, this is what God is doing today!
Also, love Bob Goff's material. He is very inspiring...and challenging.